Tuesday, January 16, 2024


 "Fool That I Am" is available at Barnes and Noble online. It is a non-fiction narrative of my recent experience as a victim of fraud, deceit, phone hacking, computer hacking and identity theft. It includes some personal information to acquaint one with my inadequacies, that the reader may have insight into how I could possibly have made so many, incredibly foolish moves. Actual names and dates are given, including the fruitless contacts with various institutions...banks and government agencies.

"Floods and More Floods" is finally available also! This is the resurrected effort from a LONG time ago that was produced in reversing text. In it, the text begins each paragraph in normal, left-to-right direction but the following line is mirrored so the reader has to adapt to reading backwards, right-to-left, then back to normal, then backwards...and so on, down the page. There are even "tooned" images incorporated in the book! It's a must read for anyone with an imagination...and patience...and determination. Oh! The entire thing is published in the back half of the book in normal reading format...for those without imagination...or patience...or determination.

Both of the books use the same cover image...in fact, the next two books will also have the same cover! (If it ain't broke, don't fix it.) One of the new ones is a murder mystery, partially set in Carnation, Washington. The other is more of a sci-fi thing, incorporating some of my "theories".

As I mentioned, the initial publications can be purchased from Barnes and Noble online. They may (or may not) become available at Amazon because they have both been held  "in review" for a LONG time and there is no explanation forthcoming from their crack team of experts. 

This is now seven months later and both books are still in review at KDP. They have sent me about thirty emails, apologizing and saying they are working on the issue. I call them every week or so and the response is always something like they will notify the technical team and that's all they can do. So...if you are thinking of self-publishing, forget KDP.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Spain versus Sweden

 I just had to mention this. I've been watching soccer matches, especially the Women's World Cup. There's an odd thing...the announcer's seem to always refer to a team's effort as a plural..."Spain have scored", for example. In American English the word "team" is singular and the correct grammar would be, "Spain has scored". this is always a distraction to me when watching a broadcast. Another thing that seems odd is how the announcers always say, "the left hand side" or "the right hand side" rather than simply saying "the left side" or "the right side". That "hand" is superfluous. Okay...I understand that when describing the "right side", a person may think it's as opposed to the "wrong side" so, on a certain level, maybe clarifying "direction" from "right or wrong" may help some listeners. But why bother with saying "left hand" when "left" is all that's needed? Last night's match between Spain and Sweden brought in an entirely new phrase! The woman announcing the play-by-play said, "the near hand side"! All I could do was laugh. Aside from that...I have found all the Fox announcers to be exemplary. That is a stark contrast to the Telemundo calls. While some people praise those announcers, I actually hate their work. When  goal is scored, I immediately mute the sound on my TV because I despise the drawn out, self-centered shout, "g o a l" that drags on for so long and then is repeated. This means of description detracts from the action on the field. Other announcers, after declaring that a goal had been scored, continue to describe what is happening on the field...not the Telemundo guy. I should also mention that I equally abhor the Telemundo guy who shouts, "goal, goal, goal goal" so many times I want to puke.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Random Observations of Things

I am curious about many things and have been most interested in the basics for the last few decades…that is…what things are at the core…mass, energy and whatever is involved in their relationships. Actually, what I am is an observationist.

Twenty years ago, looking into the night sky, I determined that there was energy everywhere out there, traveling in all directions all the time. I imagined the light emitted from every star, traveling outward, endlessly. Photons would be ever-present in every conceivable place in space. For example, I imagined that any given cubic foot out there was completely filled with energy in the form of photons going everywhere but not affecting each other. How odd!

I thought of those photons all moving at the speed of light while all particles with mass were relegated to slower velocities. Why? Well, things with mass are affected by something which limits their movement. Dark matter? Dark energy? I don’t really like those worn out terms. I think I’ll revert to calling that stuff out there as “cold dark matter” (CDM). No, I like “cold dark plasma” (CDP) more…so I’ll use that in this text. So…the CDP is what inhibits the movement of particles. What of it, I wondered? Well, if that is really the case, then everything traveling through empty space is being affected by that empty space (CDP) and it should be measurable. I wondered how one might measure such a thing and came up with my own device…

Our planet Earth is a space traveler and must be affected by the CDP. In my kitchen, I made morning and evening weight measurements (12 hours apart) of 40 lbs of iron on my bathroom scale for six months. In such a lengthy test, I determined that changes in weather, humidity, atmospheric pressure and the position of the moon would be ameliorated. The averaged results indicated that in the direction Earth was traveling, there was a .6% increase in weight. There were isolated incidents when the weight was the same but there was never a case when the trailing edge was greater. My conclusion was, of course, Earth is traveling through a substance, not a vacuum.

It’s that substance, CDP, which has a profound effect on everything. I’ve read that scientists have determined that empty space has a temperature of just above absolute zero. I’m supposing that the temperature is actually absolute zero and scientific measurements are skewed by the presence of energy passing through the same place. I’m also supposing that energy has an absolute, maximum temperature but I have no way to determine that.

Yes, I am aware that the existence of dark matter (what I now call CDP) has been known for many years, but to me it was relatively simple to prove (to myself) without any formal education. It’s the understanding of its properties and role in the universe that interests me. I think all that is required to understand some things is to ignore the impossible, smoke-and-mirrors facade maintained in the private society of elite theoretical physicists that is shrouded in ever-more-complicated math and just observe.

In gazing into the night sky, I wondered what things are. What are particles? What determines mass? What is energy? E=MC2 indicates they are the same thing, interchangeable. Of course that would also mean that a photon with no mass could not exist at rest. So, I assume that energy must always be in motion. So…when at rest, energy must acquire (or become) mass.
For a while, I then concocted a scenario whereby energy was comprised of vibrating fibers which had been compressed through the ages in a black hole and were somehow released at the big bang moment and left to vibrate, or resonate throughout all time. I thought, perhaps, such a black hole might have wandered into an already occupied space as a myriad of objects and were subsequently pressed together by the dark matter (CDP) of space. I was somewhat satisfied with such and idea but it didn’t address the question of what matter might be. What was an electron? A proton? A neutrino? So much was unanswered.

I had to start over. There could be other dimensions at work. Things could be infinitely small…or large. Time itself could be infinite.
I purchased a graphic calculator to follow some of the math…what energy is absorbed and released when a photon encounters an electron? Things like that. I’m certainly no math whiz and had no inclination to continue down that path because, aside from the fact that I wouldn’t fully comprehend what I was doing, anyway…and I didn’t think it would provide answers to my underlying questions.

Looking at the illustrations of a flat space-time with a large mass causing a depression and bending the fabric of space was interesting. Another, smaller, mass with enough velocity would orbit the larger one rather than fall into the hole and be absorbed. A massive enough body, such as a black hole might sink so far into the two-dimensional fabric that it could tear through…or come into contact with another layer of space-time if such space time is circular or spherical…or if there are multiple layers of space-time. That would account for time and space as being infinite. Such a black hole tearing through or re-appearing elsewhere could be the source of the big bang in our reality.

Still, none of those ideas which are not unique by any means, address the heart of the question as to what things are. I’m not really so naive as to believe I could ever come up with any new idea, something that hasn’t already been proposed. I just want to understand.

Getting back to that two-dimensional fabric of space…I’ve already determined that the stuff in space (CDP) plays a role in the interaction of celestial bodies and their movement as there is greater gravity at the leading edge of Earth than the trailing edge, and particles with mass cannot travel at the speed of light. The model of space-time should not be two-dimensional. It should be at least three-dimensional. That would mean that, instead of a body pressing against space, space is pressing against matter. Perhaps gravity is a pressing force rather than a pulling force. The CDP would be somewhat compressible depending on the mass of an object. In the case of a planet, for example, its mass or density would dictate how much force is applied to the surface. Every available space within the planet which is not occupied by particles such as electrons, quarks, etc. would be occupied by the CDP. There would be no unoccupied space…no vacuum. A denser planet would have less CDP encapsulated and would have greater density of the CDP at the surface, creating a greater gravitational force depending on the actual size of the planet.

There seem to be two opposing entities at work here…the absolute darkness and zero-temperature of the CDP and the absolute brightness and temperature of energy. It seems that the interaction between these entities is the foundation of everything.

There is so much I don’t understand and I need to incorporate time in my thought process. According to what I’ve read, both velocity and gravity affect time, in that an increase in velocity slows time and an increase in gravity also slows time. If I’m correct in assuming that gravity is actually a pressing force created by increasing density of the CDP, then the area closest to a massive body would, conceivably have little or no passage of time. In the case of a black hole, the event horizon where no time passes would be where the CDP is densest. As light passes by a black hole from a distant star, its own time would stop nearest the black hole but would simply slow at distances farther away. With a black hole being in motion as everything is, it would appear that the light was bending but it was not. Also, oddly, if that same light were to be stopped at the area of maximum density of the CDP, those photons or quanta of light would  cease to exist as energy because energy cannot exist without motion…unless that might be the point where energy is transformed to matter.

That is something worth considering for sure. Supposedly, in the two-dimensional, graphic illustrations of the various fields (electron, boson, Higgs) it is indicated that the Higgs field creates mass. Looking at it from three dimensions, the Higgs field is probably the densest area of the CDP. That would be the source of mass.

I was thinking of wave and particle duality. A photon is thought to be both a particle and a wave but I wonder about that. If a photon or any quanta of energy were to be oscillating up and down, back and forth, inside and out (whatever), while in motion because it must be in motion lest it be transformed into mass, it would appear to an observer to be a wave. I think that’s the simple answer to the particle/wave duality. Energy oscillates. I’m thinking that it, more likely, throbs…it contracts and expands. It could be round or cylindrical or whatever (?) shape…but it probably throbs.

Time dilation is strange. A person living 100 years at Earth’s equator would live about 4 minutes longer than someone living at either pole because they’re moving about 1000 MPH faster…and if the person at the pole were standing on a mountaintop all that time, there would be an even greater time difference. I also wonder about mass with regard to velocity. If mass increases with velocity, would it not decrease as gravity (or CDP) increases? Or, possibly, the opposite might be true…that mass increases as gravity increases.

On a much smaller scale, I wonder about electrons and neutrinos traveling near light speed. An electron frantically orbiting a nucleus would really be more massive than if it were at rest. Its rest mass would be much smaller than reported. A neutrino travels nearly light speed and is thought to be 6 to 800,000 times smaller than an electron. That same neutrino at rest…how much smaller can it possibly be? Is there no limit to size, either large or small?

I wonder if everything is a conflict of extreme opposites. Maybe the passage of time is one of those conflicts..with no time passing at zero light speed and maximum gravity and the fastest movement of time at zero gravity and velocity. Maybe the two AND three-dimensional version of space-time exist together. I can’t imagine this is the case but…

I was thinking…if I am correct that compressed CDP is the source of gravity, what about the science-fiction tales of wormholes and the possibility of interstellar travel? If space-time is not a flat, two-dimensional plane that can be folded and distorted by massive bodies, thereby providing a shorter distance between two points…but rather, three-dimensional…that would preclude the possibility of wormholes…unless, of course, one envisions additional dimensions, say, an inner-dimension, or something else, altogether. I’m reminded of the startled populace of “Flatland”.

Another thing I wonder about is the structure of protons and neutrons as well as the existence of elements as we know them. Why would there not be the possibility of many more quarks in a proton or neutron? This would lead to entirely new elements with unimaginable attributes…maybe even invisible to our vision and devices. Since I believe energy and DCP occupy the same space together, maybe other elements are co-existing right before our eyes, unseen, undetected and undetectable.

What I think is going on, however, is this……wait…I want to explain my choice of “plasma” for the stuff in space…that it’s continuous, analog…as opposed to digital or quanta. Maybe I should change the term from CDP to something that includes “inert” or “static”. Also…how gravitational waves can be actual waves in the CDP due to changes in density caused by the movement of matter. Also, a black hole exploding could cause release of energy in plasma form…as it expands, it breaks apart into quanta. Matter and anti matter…is the form of matter dependent on the attitude or charge of energy as it enters the densest CDP (Higgs field)? Is the paucity of anti-matter due to matter/anti-matter collisions releasing energy? If so, this might indicate that total production of matter is limited in our universe. I don’t know if this adds up.
Oh…I should mention about how particles can be any size…not just those we know of. Can it be that each quanta of energy is polarized like a magnet? I have to accept, I think, that I can never really know what energy is. Being polarized, can it really be that string theory is correct in the sense that energy is an extremely small, vibrating string or fiber? Other notes…light traveling at the speed of light experiences zero time…so if a photon is actually a quanta of energy and if that quanta is actually a vibrating or oscillating “something”, say with poles like a magnet, maybe with a positive or negative charge as though it were matter or anti-matter or energy or anti-energy, it will never stop vibrating unless it is acted upon by some other force which alters its velocity…like gravity. Gravity seeming to have a maximum density or strength which, if I am correct, is dependent on the density or compaction of the CDP, will cease the passage of time. What I wonder is whether or not the maximum CDP density can alter the state of energy, thereby causing it to contract into mass. I think I already determined that to be true in that the Higgs field is the name given to the CDP at maximum density that does indeed, change energy to mass…but because the energy is converted to mass, it no longer is traveling at the speed of light and begins to experience the passage of time…but because the CDP is at maximum density, there would still be no passage of time…this seems to indicate that a shell of CDP remains around every particle and traps time within. That seems to be similar to how I envision a black hole might be a massive conglomeration of particles (each one encompassed within its own shell) all contained within a larger shell of CDP. In any case, all particles would probably simply be compacted energy constrained by CDP (the Higgs field).

Gravity, energy, time, mass…

A photon on its journey from a distant star travels, say, a billion light years but from its own point of view no time passes. From its view, it is at the beginning and end simultaneously. It exists everywhere at once. In essence, it appears that when a single photon (or packet of energy) begins its journey, it already has a predetermined end since there is no passage of time for it. Perhaps time is just another dimension.

I wonder if, in the nucleus of an atom, all the gluons and quarks are actively moving from place to place at the speed of light. I wonder if energy is a life-form, itself, devoid of time.

I think the word “energy” is mis-applied in some senses. I think of energy as the quanta of a photon, for example. However, energy is the word used to describe the amount of exertion or power of a movement or thing. Kinetic energy is the amount of force of something performing work. Potential energy is used to describe how much force a thing could muster if given the opportunity…such as a boulder resting on a cliff. These are totally different uses of the term, energy.

I noticed a YouTube video titled “Time ran slower in early universe, new study finds”. I find that curious. (I haven’t watched it.) However, since an increase in velocity causes time to slow, perhaps everything was moving at higher velocity so far in the past. On the other hand, since time also slows with an increase in gravity, I think this is more likely the case. Because I postulate that gravity is the result of dense, compacted CDP, perhaps this is an indication that space (CDP) is expanding and in our early universe the CDP was considerably denser than it is today. This doesn’t seem to bode well for our future as an ever-expanding CDP decreases density through time. Eventually, this would lead to a decrease in gravity throughout the universe and there would be less pressure holding things together…including galaxies, solar systems and even individual particles.

This is July 19, 2023. I wanted to include that date in order to mark this moment. I have firmly believed that “there’s never anything new under the sun”…that there are no new ideas to come across that haven’t been considered before…that even includes my reversible writing system for which I obtained a US patent (pending)…it turns out that the ancient Sumerians (I think) beat me to it.

However, in spite of the previous comment, I think I’ve hit upon a, “By jove! I think he’s got it!” moment. As I was thinking about what I had written about the likelihood of the CDP (the dark matter, the stuff that is in space) expanding and decreasing in density. Well…what about looking the other way? If it’s expanding now, what was it before. Going backward, it must have begun at a single point. Perhaps the big bang was an explosion or release of CDP into a bright, hot, energy filled void, rather than energy blasting forth into a dark void! I find that concept to be remarkable. If I take another step into uncharted territory…I suppose it’s just as possible that the dark and the light emerged together from a point and they are expanding together, always in conflict with each other. This definitely deserves more consideration. The CDP would be at absolute maximum density at the beginning and, acting as the Higgs field, would be creating mass from the simultaneously, escaping energy. Of course, as every other proposal…what else was there at the beginning? Was that truly the beginning of all things and time as well? In the compact CDP, there would have been no passage of time…no time at all until it began to expand. As the expansion occurs, perceived gravity would decrease and time would pass at a greater rate, proportionally. To counter that, as the energy burst forth at light speed (and no time passing) to begin, it may decrease velocity and allow time to balance with the CDP.

Another thought about that thought of maximum CDP density at a single point…suppose it’s not maximum density but rather just the level of density where time ceases to progress. What if CDP density can continue beyond? As such, time would reverse. Maybe that is what happens inside a black hole as well as the point of origin before the big bang. I think it’s beyond my comprehension to imagine a time and place before time began.

Naturally, peeling away another layer of uncertainty only reveals new possibilities of reality…if energy and CDP co-existed at a single point before time began…where did that point originate?…what, if anything, existed outside the point? Was there truly nothing? Accepting that infinity is a reality is essential to a complete understanding of the meaning of everything.

I’m just wondering about that beginning…everything (energy and CDP) emanating from a single point in time and space…what might the size of such a thing be? There was no time and nothing existed…

I don’t remember if I mentioned this earlier but…light itself, as a single quanta of energy, experienced no passage of time during its entire existence. This would indicate that from the beginning of the big bang (or great emergence), no time passes for any energy until it is transformed by the pressure of the CDP’s compaction into mass. It would appear that time only exists for particles with mass and their associated groupings as elements.

In a slightly different direction..I was wondering about electrons in  an atom absorbing the energy of a photon…that causes the electron to rise to a higher orbit where it quickly releases that excess energy and falls back to its original orbit. The thing I have a problem with is…just  what is happening that an electron “absorbs” energy? What does that mean? Does the electron become hotter? Or spin faster? Or What? I think it’s a little different.I have to imagine what the structure of an electron must be…it’s basically, highly condensed energy resulting from an interaction with compact CDP (Higgs field), so it makes more sense that condensed energy can increase with the addition of a photon, rather than an electron existing as a solid thing.

Energy and matter being the same thing is similar to the various forms of water, each form dependent on outside influences and taking on totally different characteristics at specific points…no smooth transitions from one to the other…ice is solid, water is liquid, steam is gas, and there may be a plasma form (?). With energy, the condensed form is the solid we call matter and the liquid (plasma) form known as energy…there is no smooth transition phase…it’s one or the other and remains so, depending on the outside influence of CDP. Another key factor in altering the state of energy/mass is time which works in conjunction with CDP density to affect change.

I have the impression that theoretical physicists have absolutely no interest in the opinions of people outside their sphere. That’s too bad. I think it severely limits their narrow, parochial scope of possibilities and falsely leads them to believe that no one else has the capacity for thought.
Interestingly, if I think about the interlacing of mass, energy and time…suppose we, our planet and all the galaxies and all the stars in our universe were traveling at light speed velocity together through an area unlike our own space…(a distinct possibility). There would be no passage of time and, like a simple photon en route from a distant star to the rods and cones in my eye, would experience no past or future. The present would co-exist with every moment in our existence, past to future. Our universe’s (and our own) existence would be laid bare on a single page, exposing all history at once. As such, time travel would be a simple matter of focusing attention at different parts of the plane. I don’t think we could do that ourselves…but someone looking from elsewhere could.

About that…getting back to a single, lonesome little photon. Throughout its existence, there is no time. From beginning to end it experiences nothing special and that beginning to end all occurs simultaneously, almost as though it was all predetermined. That predetermination was something I thought about long ago when a video depicted how a wave works using a rope. You hold a rope at one end while the other is held at the other. An up and down movement causes a wave (or waves, depending on the initial shake of the rope) to form in the rope. This is really only possible if there are two ends determined at the outset…so as soon as the wave begins, its entire existence is already known. The same would be true for the photon. Oh…another thing about that photon. I had thought that energy is constantly resonating or throbbing somehow throughout its existence…but…with no time passing, perhaps only a single (or very few) complete oscillations ever occur.

Okay…Okay! I admit I am arriving very late to this party…and I showed up without any of the prerequisites needed for attendance. I’m learning as I go along without most of the information that all the experts have. That’s my excuse. I adapt my stance as needed.

I still don’t know what energy is. Maybe it’s a different form of resonating matter that isn’t affected by the dark matter (CDP) all around. Maybe when it comes into contact with the influences of compacted dark matter (CDP) and time, it is transformed into the matter we are familiar with. So may questions…so little time. I suppose I have to accept that energy, CDP and time are just there…or here. They have no beginnings or ends…they must be intrinsic…and infinite. As to CDP, I’m supposing that it exists everywhere, occupying all space where there is no particle. That would indicate that even at the sub-atomic level, there would be CDP…sloshing around inside protons and neutrons with the Quarks and gluons…and impacting the behavior of electrons in orbit just as it does with celestial bodies. There would be constant turmoil and movement as CDP interacts with condensed energy (matter).

Oh…I should add a qualifier to all the hypotheses I’ve mentioned above. Many years ago, when I was working for a company, in meetings, the owner often began with a statement about the business that was incorrect. He followed that up with a lengthy series of scenarios that developed from his initial false assertion. His entire proposals were based upon a foundation of possibilities that developed from untrue data. The people in the meeting were usually taken in by his preposterous notions because they failed to notice the initial falsehood that the story was built from. So…my qualifier (and concession) is to note that a great amount of my speculation is routed in my allegation that gravity is a pressing force…and that hypothesis is supported by the experiment I conducted at home on my bathroom scale. I haven’t found anyone anywhere to properly conduct a similar experiment in a reputable lab. I did, however, correspond with Freeman Dysan and he claimed (rightfully so, as I was already aware) that I had discovered the means for a perpetual motion machine…the rise and fall of the effect of gravity as the earth rotates and the leading edge of earth changes. My brother jokingly said I had discovered the tides.

Today I was wondering about something…if CDP (space) is expanding from an initial point, is there a limit to the elasticity of it? As it continues to expand, it becomes less and less dense and something has to give! Either the CDP becomes fragmented or…it reaches a maximum stress and…contracts…snaps back. That could lead to perpetual expansion and contraction and an explanation for what we attribute to be the big bang…occurring time after time, forever. Maybe…just maybe, when the CDP rushes back inward it reaches a central point and actually creates the sum total of energy in our universe which is released again. As I’ve heard,  out universe is expanding…so we are existing in the expansion stage.

I watch numerous, science-fiction TV reruns and they often have “wormholes” as a key element in the storyline. My earlier suspicion that such things could not exist in “my universe” as I see it, may not be accurate. I was thinking that CDP is always moving and being influenced by matter…and this could cause varying areas of increased density. With such an increase in density which causes time dilation, maybe…just maybe. However, if dense CDP causes time dilation, thereby allowing the remote possibility of wormholes, the problem for science-fiction enthusiasts would be that even though travel to distant reaches of space may be possible with little passage of time for those making the journey (as a single photon transporting through space without aging), time on the outside would proceed as usual…the wormhole traveler would find her or himself in a distant future upon arrival at a new, remote location. On the other hand, in an area of space where the CDP is extremely thin…for one thing, particles could traverse the area with little (or no) resistance, even at (or near) the speed of light. This could precipitate far more efficient space travel by humans. Also, in the thinnest of CDP, there could develop the possibility of wormhole types of voids. (I’m really reaching here, merely in a futile attempt to find hope for science-fiction enthusiasts like me. Dreams are good!) Actually, now that I think about it, the densest CDP has no passage of time so an object (or person) could enter the dense CDP and traverse back and forth at will…and the only apparent aging would be experienced by the traveler. The thing is…so many aspects of the universe should be viewed inversely to the normally accepted methods…just like the 2-dimensional illustrations of the fabric of space, the pulsating energy fields (Higgs, electron) are shown in 2 dimensions. Wormholes are no different…they should be considered as solid shafts rather than empty holes.

I just thought of something…a comet, in its journey through space would not be shedding its particles (ice crystals?) if it were not traveling through something…CDP! If there were nothing at all, there would be no friction. This simple observation is even more convincing of the existence of the plasma (CDP) in space than my weight experiment.

I need to do a recap of all this…

The stuff in space and everywhere that is not occupied by particles of any kind is what I call “cold dark plasma” or “CDP”. CDP and energy can occupy the same space. CDP exists at absolute zero temperature and can be compressed. While energy can pass through CDP unabated, particles with mass cannot. In fact, it is the CDP’s effect on mass that is gravity. The greater the degree of compression, the greater the gravitational force and also the effect on time dilation. Highly compressed CDP slows (and/or) stops time and accounts for the conversion of energy to an apparent, solid form. This is what is called the Higgs field. Packets of energy (photons) must always be in motion. At rest, due to a slowing of time and the density of CDP, energy changes its state to solid form. In the entire existence of a photon in motion, no time elapses. Therefore, it appears that a photo’s existence is predetermined since its past present and future all occur at the same time. (Bear with me here…I start and stop this story as the mood arises.)

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Impeachment trial farce

 Imagine you're charged with some crime and the trial is set for, say, next week. Whether you're guilty or not, you're entitled to a fair trial. The jurors are all interviewed in advance, to assure they enter the court with an unbiased, open mind...capable of weighing the evidence presented in the proceedings and not predisposed to a positive or negative verdict based on racial, political, gender, or any other prejudices. That's the way your trial should be conducted...should be.

I admit that I don't closely follow every item in the news. However, I did come across a little tidbit which I found to be disturbing. In the upcoming Senate, impeachment trial, various senators who are the actual jurors in this case, have already declared how they intend to vote...a week before the trial even occurs...before any witnesses have been called...before any evidence is presented.

Back to your imagined, upcoming case...if the prospective jurors had indicated any predisposed, biased inclination of your guilt or innocence...they would be disqualified from the jury pool immediately. What the hell is the point of a trial if the verdict is already known?

This Senate trial is a farce. It is not a trial at all...only politics as usual. Any senator who has already made up his or her mind should be excluded from voting in this trial. Maybe that would work.

Monday, December 21, 2020

structured settlement loans

What's with the TV ads in the Seattle area for companies loaning money on structured settlement income?  There's Peachtree Financial and JG Wentworth...they both have opera singing in their dueling ads. How odd! I suppose the JG Wentworth company was first with the opera motif onaccounta the name, Jordan Wentworth, kinda seems to be the connection...and Peachtree copied it. It's downright silly. Couldn't one of them come up with their own ideas?

Friday, March 13, 2020

Corona Virus, National Emergency

Okay...I wasn't all that worried about the long term effects of the Corona virus. While I am old, I am in relatively good health and would most likely survive if I were beset with the virus. Also, I don't get out much.

However, today I heard on the radio that Trump had declared a national emergency. That's the part that concerns me.

When Trump first took the throne, there was an underlying suspicion that some sort of orchestrated war or false threat might be in the works to undermine this country's freedoms...and the Corona virus seems to fit right into the plans of our despicable despots-in-charge. I can just picture all those old cronies, wringing their hands and gurgling for joy at such a serendipitous turn of events...like old witches cackling over a cauldron of boiling blood, rats eyes and snake venom.

I've heard some ideas put forward...cut payroll taxes, cut social security and medicare taxes, make those reductions or eliminations permanent, etc. The people who benefit from those tax reductions are only those with jobs...and those who benefit the most are the high earners. As usual, it's the wealthy who reap the rewards. Of course, vaguely hidden in those proposals, with the elimination of any influx of funds into social security and medicare, the republicans will have the sledge hammer they crave so much to demand cuts to the beneficiaries of those programs.

Of course, this entire situation is horrible. People are dying and development of any vaccines may take years (if ever). The long term effects are beyond my comprehension.

Indeed, Trump is an idiot...but it's not just him or his pitiful family. It's the right-wing, racist, republican establishment to be feared, especially at this time of "national emergency"...because...the next step they would fall all over themselves to take is...Martial Law...and that would truly be a disaster...maybe, suspend elections indefinitely, eh? Maybe ban all, selective, public gatherings? Maybe squash selective dissent? This is scary. And now I AM worried. I'm not a religious man...but if I were...I'd say God Help Us.

Added a few weeks later...With the near-worldwide shutdown and businesses of all kinds in the US closing their doors...with so many millions of people put out of work (and income), a financial calamity looms ahead. It would be just peachy if everyone would just stand still in one place for a few weeks...this would all pass. Those infected would not pass the virus along and the lifecycle of the virus would run its course. The attempt at "social distancing" will help, I suppose, but it probably won't be enough. The virus will spread and may over-tax our healthcare facilities. The long term, financial effects may be devastating. The government proposals to ameliorate the economic implosion seem to be bandaids...treating one small laceration while a thousand others erupt and fester. I propose an immediate halt to all debt repayment...no rent, no mortgage payments, no insurance payments, no tax payments...Oh, but what of the banks and institutions who also have debts to pay? I said Halt All Debt Repayment. It's a "financial timeout" for everyone until the pandemic fades away...maybe months...maybe years...whatever it takes. Maybe a vaccine is on the horizon in a year or so...maybe not. Regardless, the horse is already out of the barn. Best to let it graze until a fenced-in field is devoid of nutrients. Then...when the firestorm has ended...when we all can go back to work...Then, we can pick up where we left off and restart paying our bills.

Now it's April. The virus is still spreading and many states have entered a lockdown phase. The Democratic Convention has been postponed along with so many other public events. The trend seems to be heading toward my greatest, initial fear...Police State...no elections...no ousting of the traitorous scum in control of the US government. This is a truly frightening time.

Ludicrous TV Ad Spokesmen etc.

Absolutely laughable washed-out old spokesmen for...whatever products on TV...How could anyone anywhere be enticed to spend their money because these characters mumble their way through a taping session?

Lou Pinella...selling retirement apartments? 

Joe Namath...who cares what he says?

Mike Ditka...barely speaking with marbles in his mouth

Chris Berman...whoever the hell that is...with his loud, semi-lisping voice

Who else? I'll add more as I notice them. Any suggestions?

How bout the woman in the commercial who can't pronounce 'funeral'?

The ad where the guy says A-hundred instead of eight-hundred
or the guy who says 'hunnerd' instead of 'hundred'