Friday, January 5, 2018

Trump's War

It seems that Trump is desperate and foolish enough to start a war with North Korea to deflect from his political assailants. Didn't he already ask more than once that since we have so many nuclear weapons, why don't we use them? War seems to be the natural thing for Republicans.

As soon as Bush was elected, I predicted we'd have a war...and we had two. Neither one was winnable. There was nothing to be won in either but there was certainly an opportunity to put more money in the hands of the rich and an additional chance to tighten his grip on a free society and an ignorant populace.

Now we have Trump...and another war looming on the horizon. With a new war in North Korea, Trump can declare martial law and rid himself of, and silence, all his detractors in one push of the button. Or maybe, if that war doesn't materialize, he might settle for Iran...or somewhere else. He's just itching to start something before he's fully exposed and outed for being...Trump, eh?

Of course, Trump has already declared war on opioids. If he really wants to do something about that, why not make some use of the military efforts in Afghanistan? Why not take out the poppy fields and deprive the Taliban of their source of income? Afghanistan produces more opium than all other countries combined. Why not combine the foolish war effort in Afghanistan with a real war against opioids? Raze all the poppy fields. Find some meaning in an otherwise meaningless war. Then negotiate with the Chinese for a solution to rampant synthetic opioid production.

Incidentally, the war Trump did declare on opiates last year, via an executive order, went only so far as to commission a report. There was absolutely no funding made available to do anything at all, regardless of anything contained in such report. As a result, nothing has been done. No war on opiates. Only a report. What a waste! However, Trump has falsely grabbed the spotlight for his demonstration of concern for the public welfare in that regard.