Monday, June 18, 2012

I can't stand Ron Fairly...and Dave Sims

I can't stand it! Ron Fairly is just too boring and I'd appreciate it if the Mariners kept him off the air.
Uh...I apologize for the headline...I have nothing against Ron Fairly, personally. In fact, he's probably a wonderful man. It's just that his radio broadcasts are far below par...even for the Seattle area! (I also have to add that I do appreciate hearing many of his stories of long as he has nothing to say about any game in progress.)

Oh! Did I mention that I think Mike Blowers has an excessively nasally voice? It's not pleasant listening to him.

I might as well add Dave Sims to the list of sports announcers I'd rather never hear again. His choppy, incomplete sentences are often difficult to understand.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Fall City Diner

Okay...the first name I knew this place as was The Other Place. Then, it became the Fall City Grill. Then, it became the Fall City Diner.'s being set up again with new decor and will be called the Fall City Bistro. They're trying to open in the beginning of July and we'll just have to wait and see if it's worth trying more than once. Oh! I just remembered...when I stopped in the parking lot to see what sign they were putting up so I could find out what the new name would be...they told me they would be serving a Farm-to Table menu and they would be using local suppliers for the food! Now, that's a definite plus!