Friday, September 6, 2013

Bomb Syria? NO!

Okay, now there's a story in the news that American diplomats are being evacuated from Lebanon. Why would that be? Because they would be in danger if we attack Syria. There would be no (almost) chance for Syria to ward off the United States. There would be high-flying bombers and/or drones coming at them. They would be basically invisible to Syria. What would they do? Go after real US targets nearby. Like Lebanon. Why stop there? Why not just hurl some weapons at Israel too?

This Syria thing is an incredibly foolish fiasco for the US. Americans don't want it. Obama and Congress are way off base.

Here's something else. What if Syria just decides to commit suicide in the face of an overwhelming force coming their way? What if they just destroy their own nuclear facilities and make sure everyone loses? Supposedly, they've already been killing off their own citizens. They could easily launch attacks in Lebanon and Israel while also contaminating the whole area with radiation from their own nuclear plants.


Let them fight their own battles. Let their own neighbors step in. They all hate us anyway and they'll hate us even more if we get involved.

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