Sunday, July 31, 2011


I've learned hate from this scummy process of extending the United States debt ceiling. That Republicans can take such a deceitful stand at the expense of the American populace and claim they're in the right position for us is disgusting. I hate them and what they're doing. I hate the non-compromising, haughty, self-righteous attitude they take. I hate that they favor assistance to the filthy rich and big business and think American citizens are shit and deserving of nothing. I hate corporations for bleeding the public and paying little or no taxes. I hate the filthy rich for basking in their millions and billions while the rest of us struggle to make ends meet...put food on the table, avoid foreclosure, put the kids in school and somehow get some semblance of health care. I hate them all. I hate that the Republicans can start two foolish wars and destroy the economy and somehow convince people that the Democrats did it. I hate that the Republicans can stand in the way of health care for Americans. I hate that they get away with lying so regularly. I hate the American caste system. I hate that the rich and powerful keep getting richer and more powerful. I hate the American political system. I hate that the Republicans have so much more money and can manipulate the system and the ignorant voters to their own advantage. I really do hate them all. This debt ceiling debate has uncovered the hatred in me. It's left me with my stomach in knots. I hate them. I hate that Democrats are somehow coerced into reaching a compromise in order to pay our bills. I hate them and I want change. It has to change or we'll be facing a horrific uprising. The American public can't always sit idly while the scum keeps stealing from them. We are not slaves! We do not live for, and at the mercy and whim, of the Republican liars! I hate them. I want Boehner gone. I want ALL the Republicans gone. They are lying, selfish thieves. Yes...I have learned hate and I want change.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

How is a 'Super Congress' smaller government?, Debt Mess

The Republican proposal to establish a 'Super Congress' flies directly into the face of their continual cries for smaller government! You can't call for less government control while, at the same time, attempting to create an entirely new government entity. They're all liars.
"East is East and West is West..." The left hand doesn't know what the right is doing....Black and white...Up and down...In and out...Night and day...Opposites, all - and all, opposite...forever. There will never be any compromise between the Republicans and Democrats on the budget or anything else. Sure, they may agree to let some things pass along but there are such vast differences in the agendas of the two groups that there is no middle ground, no gray area. The Republicans are interested in their (supposed) conservative values and the Democrats are interested in helping those citizens in need of help. It's all so wrong! With the current debate of extending the debt ceiling, it's all just criminal politics at work. The Republicans want a temporary solution so they can continue the debate into the next Presidential election. They don't want to reach any solution because it takes a hot (unnecessary) issue off the table. They push their agenda under the guise of 'smaller government', 'religious conservative values', 'right to life', and so on. Their real agenda is to maintain selfish power, control and (ultimately) wealth. All this comes at the expense of the vast majority of Americans who only want a chance at a decent life. It's inconceivable to me that the Republican base is so utterly foolish as to fall for this nonsense. As to the Democrats, I believe most of them entered the political fray with a clear intention to do the right thing for the American people. However, given the need to run for office again in such short order, they often fall prey to the money and influence of corporations and big business and lose their pristine political youth. What choices are there for the voting public? We can continue to place our hopes in the hands of the Democrats who will all be tarnished by the system. We can give up, declare ourselves slaves and vote Republican.

I say...
Term limits! (ONE)
No career politicians!
Limit salaries for public office to the average income of their constituents!
No more Presidential libraries!
No more lifetime Supreme Court Justices!
A major third party is needed!
Flat taxes!
No more American Imperialist wars!
Get out of Iraq and Afghanistan!
No PAC money!
Corporations can have no say in political decisions.
Affordable health care for all!
Government employees should have the same health care and retirement as the rest of us.
Fair trade has to be fair to us too!
Flat tax!

By the I mentioned in an earlier post, gravity is a pressing force...not a pulling force.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Republican self-serving, selfish liars

The filth of politics in the United States is more than one can cleanse in a single lifetime. Republicans are taking a stand to maintain tax breaks for corporations and the wealthy at the expense of Social Security benefits, the poor and the needy! It makes no sense that the millions of individual, regular citizens who happen to call themselves Republicans are too blinded, foolish or just plain ignorant don't seem to be able to understand that their own party is working steadfastly against them too. It's all lies! They're all self-serving liars! I can't stand it. The Conservative base seems to be supporting their racist leaders with their votes for the lost illogical reasons. They seem to be more interested in supporting narrow-minded religious ideals, right-to-life platforms, immigration laws and corporate rights at their own expense! Why in the world would anyone keep voting in favor of the wealthy conservatives when they MUST know they're cutting off their own noses? Why indeed!? They can't all be that stupid...can they?

It's a downright pity that neither the Left nor the Right pays any heed to the other side. I get countless emails and other correspondence from the Left. What's the point? I already agree with most of the agenda. There's no dialogue between the two sides. It's the multitudes of Conservatives who need to hear and listen to the message from the Left but they're too blind and deaf to pay any attention...lest they feel manipulated. They'd rather starve to death than give in to a black President's desire to help ALL American citizens...themselves included.

Most people seem to enter politics because most of them are already wealthy and want to preserve and foster their own interests. They just don't give a rip about the American public.

We need change. Single term limits for public servants. No corporate payments or donations to those who are elected to represent the people. Government employees should not have their own brand of insurance or retirement benefits while the rest of us suffer. Outsourcing of jobs to poorer countries is a disaster. There's no longer a need for Americans to do anything but work in service industries. No more wars! Now, with the economy in the tank, fewer people can afford to even pay for those services. Our jobs have gone overseas to countries where the people are treated nearly as slaves and there is no interest in conserving the environment.

Of course, there are far too many humans on Earth. Those of us alive now can't be expected to just off ourselves to solve that problem...but we can curtail our reproduction before it's too late (if it isn't already).

It's all sickening.

Here's what I just emailed to Dave Reichert and John Boehner:

Leave my Social Security alone!

Get the Republicans to the table with a realistic attempt to resolve the budget crisis.

Stop the political games and face facts as they are. The economy is where it is because the Bush administration started two unnecessary and non winable wars, relaxed controls on the financial community, reduced taxes for the wealthy (which have NOT stimulated industry as suggested), and took the initial steps to bail out Wall Street and corporations. This was all the result of the Republicans. Taking a hard, inflexible stand now is ridiculous. Raise the debt limit, increase corporate and wealthy tax burdens, stop handing out American dollars to countless free-loading countries, get us out of the two ill-conceived wars, close corporate tax loopholes and leave our individual benefits intact! Do this for the American people and be honest about what is really the right thing to do! This talk of "smaller government" is all worn out and is just phony rhetoric.

As an aside - our country would be a lot better off without career politicians (such as yourself). We need (single) term limits and flat tax rates across the board. It makes no sense for anyone (not related) to ever cast a single vote for Republicans who are working so diligently to reduce the standard of life for so many of the "regular", tax-paying citizens of this country.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Budget Crisis

Of course, my point of view is limited to what I can see from my little house in Fall City. However, it appears that the Republicans have a particular agenda to enhance the wealth and power of those already wealthy and the expense (and without the slightest interest) in the well-being of the masses of middle and lower income citizens of this country. Am I missing something? Isn't it true that Republicans are taking a stand to protect the rich and powerful? Isn't it true that Obama is attempting to protect Social Security and Medicare along with so many other necessities for the masses? What could possibly be the ultimate goal of those republicans? Do they really want to bankrupt the country? Are they really looking for an entirely new American order in which only the wealthy and powerful have anything and the rest of us are just their slaves? This is all so wrong! I paid into Social Security for 47 years. Something is so wrong! Why are we fighting these wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Isn't it true that they were started by George Bush? Isn't it true that they are both unnecessary and un-winnable anyway? Isn't it true that the fighting in Libya is a NATO-led operation - not an Obama war? Why does the American public forget so easily what's happening? Why does the American public fall for the republican attacks on Obama concerning those conflicts? Isn't it true that the economic downfall was caused by George Bush? Wasn't it Bush who first handed over trillions of our dollars to Wall Street, banks, corporations, insurance companies, etc. Are we all really so stupid? Do we have no memories at all? It's just too much like Animal Farm, isn't it? Personally, I want all the republicans purged from office. I want term limits for the whole bunch of blood-sucking politicians...including the democrats. This is just a gigantic mess we're in and it's all driven by greed and short-sighted, petty politics. That's what I see from my front porch, overlooking the pond and feeling the cool rain of summer here in Fall City.