Thursday, July 14, 2011

Budget Crisis

Of course, my point of view is limited to what I can see from my little house in Fall City. However, it appears that the Republicans have a particular agenda to enhance the wealth and power of those already wealthy and the expense (and without the slightest interest) in the well-being of the masses of middle and lower income citizens of this country. Am I missing something? Isn't it true that Republicans are taking a stand to protect the rich and powerful? Isn't it true that Obama is attempting to protect Social Security and Medicare along with so many other necessities for the masses? What could possibly be the ultimate goal of those republicans? Do they really want to bankrupt the country? Are they really looking for an entirely new American order in which only the wealthy and powerful have anything and the rest of us are just their slaves? This is all so wrong! I paid into Social Security for 47 years. Something is so wrong! Why are we fighting these wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Isn't it true that they were started by George Bush? Isn't it true that they are both unnecessary and un-winnable anyway? Isn't it true that the fighting in Libya is a NATO-led operation - not an Obama war? Why does the American public forget so easily what's happening? Why does the American public fall for the republican attacks on Obama concerning those conflicts? Isn't it true that the economic downfall was caused by George Bush? Wasn't it Bush who first handed over trillions of our dollars to Wall Street, banks, corporations, insurance companies, etc. Are we all really so stupid? Do we have no memories at all? It's just too much like Animal Farm, isn't it? Personally, I want all the republicans purged from office. I want term limits for the whole bunch of blood-sucking politicians...including the democrats. This is just a gigantic mess we're in and it's all driven by greed and short-sighted, petty politics. That's what I see from my front porch, overlooking the pond and feeling the cool rain of summer here in Fall City.

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