Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Unsustainable Growth

There's something odd about growth.

Certainly there are limits to growth of all kinds. Take trees, for example. Imagine what the world would be like if all trees always continued to grow. Or people. Or frogs. Beanstalks! There's a limit to all growth, not necessarily pre-determined or even consistent in reality but a limit, nonetheless.

What seems to happen naturally is growth to an extent, followed by some form of maturity or refinement, followed by obsolescence or death of some kind. Growth is a small part of the overall existence of a thing. Without some refinement at or near the peak of development, things just fall down or implode. They don't ever reach a healthy, mature stature.

I think the same growth limitations apply to societies or economies. Take the United States for example. Our economy can only grow so far without proper nurturing and refinement. At some point, there's no more room for economic growth and it's time for introspection, refinement and true progress. It's time to wonder, "What now?" Indeed, what now? Our economic growth is based on a very shaky foundation. The corporate idea, backed by our government and bought into by the senseless masses, is to keep building new things for us to buy. Most new technology seems to be geared toward that end What new gadget can be built that the people will spend their money on? In fact, all the new gadgets, machines, hi-tech gizmos, built with a short life expectancy. We buy a thing, use it for a while, and then, when it begins to deteriorate in short order, we buy a newer better thing to replace it. The broken one? It goes to a landfill. (Oh! Landfills happen to be among those things having limited growth potential. Just imagine a world with only landfills!)

Knowing there is such a limit to the growth of our economy and society, one should question how close we are to that limit. One should wonder if we have already reached the limit of economic growth. Even now, the world is hard pressed to sustain the current population, yet that population still increases while countless millions live in unspeakable destitution. (Of course, there is a small, yet divine, minority who live in constant luxury. Those are the same people who benefit the most from continued manufacturing of…things.)

Assuming we are at or near our limit now, some form of progress or refinement must be pursued in order to remain standing. Indeed, to remain at all!

It is now time to rethink our entire system. The uncontrolled, wasteful growth we’ve undergone has run its course. It’s time for that serious introspection. It’s time to build a washing machine that will last longer than a couple of years before it makes its way to the landfill. It’s time for vehicles to be built with longevity in mind rather than presenting a ritzy, new design each year that we JUST MUST HAVE. It’s time to examine the quality of life of everyone…not just those elite few at the top of the food chain. In fact, they’re really not at the top of anything. They just have more money and more toys. Every one of them will pass away the same as the rest of us when their time comes. Nothing lasts forever.

Economic, corporate, manufacturing, political, population, waste disposal, clean water, sufficient food, energy usage, atomic power generation, oil, minerals…these are all areas which have probably reached their limits of growth in our society. It really is time to rethink everything we’re doing and put a lasting, sustainable lifestyle ahead of narrow-minded, short-sighted greed. We’re all here now and together. It would be nice to leave this place better than we found it, eh?

The people have to speak. It takes the masses to stand up to manipulative advertising and political nonsense. Don’t buy the new car, the television or the latest cellular technology. Instead, demand improvements in manufacturing, health care, environmental protection and sustained, refined progress. Our time for growth is passed and if we don’t alter our course soon, the downward plunge may take us all into a very dark place for a very long time.

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