Tuesday, September 28, 2010


My initial comments about gravity...it (gravity) is a pressing force, not a pulling force. For this to be true, all the unknown "material" of space, whether one calls it dark matter, or dark energy or something else (like ether), must be the source of gravity. It must be what holds everything together, from the smallest sub-atomic particles to stars, planets and all other material in our universe. To consider gravity as a pressing force means that all the matter with which we're familiar probably just wandered into an already-occupied area and has been acted upon by this "dark matter" for all these eons. Our universe would have to be held within its bounds by something outside and there would likely be countless other universes such as ours. Considering that, there would be greater pressure at the leading edge than the trailing edge of Earth...since we would be plowing through "something" rather than through empty space. There is...greater pressure at the Earth's leading edge. My own simple experiments, conducted daily for six months, indicate .6% to 1.1% greater gravity at the leading edge of Earth.

(I'll get back to this...)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Washington State Income Tax

It's a challenge, getting ramped up for this blogging effort. The rains have already been increasing and the winter looks bleak. I fear I'll have to head out to Nordstrom or REI to gear up for the upcoming, miserable winter. My boat is at the ready for use in flood-escape work. I do need to stock up on firewood, water, food and wine for the inevitable, lengthy isolation from floods and/or snow, wind etc.

In the meantime, there's an election looming. Here in Washington, I have the feeling that keeping Patty Murray in the Senate is job number one. Well...it's really job number two. More important would be to have an overwhelming acceptance of the sales-tax initiative on the ballot. That's the only fair way to tax us overburdened citizens and garner additional income for the state.

At the same time, I believe the state has been failing miserably with K-12 education. It is mandated in the state's constitution as the highest priority. Along with educating children, the state is mandated to fund education for teachers' colleges and trade schools. That's it! All of that comes ahead of all other educational expenses such as other colleges and universities. Students attending colleges and universities are NOT children. They are adults and the expense of their higher education should not be borne by taxpayers, unless they happen to be attending teachers' colleges or trade schools.

I would like Governor Gregoire to take an active, public stand in favor of establishing a state income tax.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Fall City Floods

In Fall City, life revolves around floods and wondering what goes on in the world outside these confines. As such, I intend to provide my own views, as developed in this narrow slice of the world. In addition, I intend to offer several, additional, unrelated asides. One concerns my own, unique theory of the nature of gravity, especially in context with the rest of our universe. Another is more closely related to my own little corner of the world. I've been accumulating a series of "Flood Stories" for which I'm still in the process of creating imagery. When complete, I hope to peddle these printed wares through this site in an attempt to offset the time and money I've already spent in the process. Additionally, I sing. I intend to peddle my own recordings through this site as well. For those willing to put up $10 to $15 in advance to receive copies of my "Flood Stories", let me know. Currently, it's a graphic novel with eleven stories, numerous "cartooned" images and numbering about 116 pages. I do color and I do printing. It's a high-quality effort!