Thursday, November 1, 2012

Garbage day again

Garbage day again…

It looks like there are seven more garbage days til Christmas, eight more to New Years and thirty-two until my next birthday. If I count time by garbage days, there’s only one until the Presidential election.

If the American voters don’t wake up and go ahead and elect Romney and the Whack-job, that will be at least 208 garbage days of having government for the rich, big business and Wall Street. It would be 208 garbage days with decreased benefits for the poor and middle class…208 garbage days for the male-dominated, racist, Republican, religious right to force me (and many others) out of our houses while also losing our health care…208 garbage days for women to be treated as slaves.

That’s far too many garbage days of Hell. Wake up America! We don't need a Mittwit or Nitmitt for president. We need to help Obama help us!

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