Sunday, March 17, 2013

Fall City...How odd?!

Yesterday afternoon, with occasional dark clouds and light rain passing through Fall City, and as I was tending the fire in the wood stove...there was a sudden howling of wind outside. It was a screaming, whistling wind that lasted only a few seconds. Then, there was the crashing sound of a table being blown off the deck. With the extremely brief onslaught of wind gone, I looked out the window to see two chairs blown over and the wooden table lying in the grass. Mind you, there are two, identical tables on the deck but only one was blown away. There was no other indication that anything else had happened at all! Judging by the landing area of the blown-over table, the wind came from the southwest. (Generally, strong winds come from the east or southeast around here.) Also, since it was so narrowly focused, it seems to have been almost horizontal-tunnel-shaped. How odd, indeed! I've never experienced such a thing. Oh! I forgot! rototiller was also found on its side just about ten feet from where the table landed. That was incredibly strong blast of wind...then quiet. I checked the weather people and nothing unusual was reported.

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