Sunday, December 30, 2012

Pay Raises for Congress!

I think President Obama has already gone over the fiscal cliff!

 How can it possibly be acceptable to all of us, struggling to make ends meet, to increase the salary of the very people who have done so little (perhaps nothing) to earn any pay at all!? This is grossly unjust. People in Congress should consider it a privilege and a responsibility to represent the American people. In fact, they should receive no salary at all...only enough to offset their necessary expenses. Working in Congress should never be considered a career...and there should be NO Career Politicians! There should be term limits for both houses (say, 1 term for the Senate and 2 terms for the House).

I have no idea what the Vice President does but it seems he has not earned a penny. A raise? No way! All of them should have their wages reduced or eliminated...not increased. This is all total bull!

While I'm at it, concerning term limits...the Supreme Court Justices should also have a term limit (say, 10 years). Also, the President should be limited to one term (say, 6 years).

Our government needs a serious makeover and this two-party system doesn't work for The People. Corporations are not people and do not deserve the same rights as a single American citizen. Financial institutions and insurance conglomerates are out of control. We deserve affordable health care, educational opportunity, a secure nation, responsible representatives, government accountability, etc. We do not deserve the current state of affairs. It's time for real change.

This is insane!

Stop handing out our hard-earned taxes to other countries. Stop arming the world. Do not start any more wars! Stop building roads and bridges everywhere but here! Close the tax loopholes that allow the filthy rich and corporations to avoid taxes. What say we institute a nationwide flat tax to go along with term limits!? What say we make thieving politicians accountable?

I want change!

Career politicians are the scum of the earth.

That's how it looks from my little house in Fall City and I suspect it looks the same from every other town in the country. Of course, I fully expect every so-called conservative to take an opposite stand. They seem to be narrow-minded, racist, religious fanatics with no sense of reality. I do pity them.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Last Garbage Day Before Christmas

I am a Social Security recipient. (I'm olde!) There seems to be great concern about the long-term viability of the system and Conservatives call the entire thing an "entitlement" and want to abolish such things. Indeed, for me, Social Security is an entitlement! That is not a bad thing! It is the proper description of the situation as it is. I AM entitled to my benefits because I paid into the system for almost fifty years!

What can be done to rectify this, potential disaster as the US is currently facing a "Fiscal Cliff" with the shitball conservatives taking a stance in direct opposition to my own well-being?

Currently, employees pay 6.2% of their wages until they earn $110,100 in a given year into the system. 

First, the income cap should be going in the opposite direction...income earners should be contributing from the highest, downward to the $110,100 threshold which can be adjusted up or down as needed.

Second, there should be no cap on income at all. If a person earns anything over the cap of $110,100 in a year...that person should continue making contributions for his/her entire year's income. That would immediately remedy the problem.

Third, assuming our inept government is not prepared to adopt either of the above...the $110,100 cap on income should be raised to at last $200,000 to $250,000. 

Any of the above, three options will immediately solve the Social Security issue.

As to our "Fiscal Cliff" and aside from Social Security...cut back on our handouts to the rest of the world! We (taxpayers) just can't continue handing our money out to the rest of the world! I really have no idea how much money is given to what countries but it has to stop (or at least cut it in half for starters)! No more billions to Egypt! No more billions to Israel! No more billions to anyone! Okay...cut it all in half right now. The result: financial security for the United States and a solution to our own economic challenges. We can focus on helping ourselves for a change, eh? This isn't about "Entitlements"! It's about caring for our own citizens first ( ! )...for a change.

Then...we can get down to the business of removing tax breaks for the wealthy, bailouts and subsidies to corporations, and maintaining a military-industrial stance while starting inane wars around the world. Maybe we can close up the tax-evasion loopholes utilized by people like Romney, eh?

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Mid-December Garbage Day

It's just quiet here in Fall City. There was a police shooting (killing) of a somewhat deranged character the other morning. Time keeps on keepin' on...and sometimes I don't know who I am. I continue to monitor world events through various news outlets but there seems to be no relevance to my own essence. Here (in Fall City), we're into the rainy season. It gets colder and colder and then storms seem to roll in. While it appears there is nothing but a harsh, cold winter on the way, the temperature hovers in the mid-thirties and there's only a cold rain...for months! Such is life in the Northwest. I miss the seasons of the Northeast while I attempt to keep the wood-stove burning. (Summers are dry...and short here!)

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Michelle Obama for Senator!

Unfortunately, Washington DC does not have any representatives in the US Senate. If that were the case, I'd be in favor of Michelle Obama running for the position in the next election (which could be 2014). Alas, that is not the case.

So...I suggest she should do two things:
One...make it known to Illinois Governor Pat Quinn that she wants the open Senatorial seat in the event that Senator Mark Kirk is forced to resign as a result of the stroke he suffered in January of 2012. Also, I suppose it's possible to remove him from office since it's already nearly a year that he's been out of work.
Two...make it known that she will be running for that same position in 2016.
Even if Senator Kirk steps down (or is removed) sooner rather than later, I believe the Obamas will find a way to make it work for their family during several stressful years of transition.

Barack Obama will be out of office in 2016 and they will likely move back to the Chicago area. It's Michelle's turn!

In fact, it's also Hillary Clinton's turn. Hopefully, she'll choose to run for President in 2016 (rather than settle in as Mayor of New York).

One can dream, eh? President Hillary Clinton...Senator Michelle Obama. It just sounds right!

Yee gods! If Michelle Obama plays her card right, she could be President in 2024! She'd only be sixty, right?

Indeed, one can dream. It just feels right. (I certainly don't want any of those conservative 'wack-jobs' stepping in to start new wars, deplete my Social Security and further destroy our economy.)

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Another Garbage Day!

Things are relatively quiet here in Fall City. Tomorrow marks the first day of public-sanctioned gay marriage and marijuana use in this state. Concerning the marijuana, it's unfortunate that the state is going to spend an entire year coming up with regulations for growing. I'm ready to plant right now! In fact, I don't use the stuff but it would certainly put my little field to good (profitable) use.

Today was another garbage day. I've been thinking about garbage days...the Earth is about 234 billion garbage days old! If I were to have tossed 50 lbs of junk in the can on every garbage day that ever came around...I would have discarded about 5.85 billion tons by now. Since it happens I'm not the only person dumping garbage...just imagine how much trash may have built up in all these years! Where is it all? They just take it away and I never see it again. (By the way, it seems the garbage man must have the best job in the world because it seems he only works one day a week...garbage day.)

Of course, if one accepts the Christian belief that the Earth is 6,000 years old, then I would have to revise my "garbage day" age of Earth. That would mean the Earth is only 312,000 garbage days old and I would only have discarded 7,800 tons of trash in that time. That's still a lot of trash, especially when factoring in the same amount of junk disposed of by all the other people!

It seems to make a lot of sense to pursue space exploration. By far, the best way to get rid of all this garbage would be to simply jettison it into space. After a few billion garbage days, there could be enough junk tossed "out there" to form an entire new planet. We could have a contest to name the place, eh?

Actually, when considering what all we would be sending "out there", we should also include nuclear waste. That stuff takes so long to degrade that's it's best to just get it all off the planet right from the start. Since it might be part of the new planet formed from garbage...that would render the place, uninhabitable. Alas!

Oh! One more thing...if we were to spew out all our waste at a volume sufficient to create an entirely new planet, wouldn't that mean there would be nothing left of Earth? We would HAVE to go live somewhere else because there would be nothing left here. I think this is giving me a headache. Maybe we shouldn't have so much waste. Maybe there should be no more nuclear waste. Maybe we should just...evolve. (...just a thought on this relatively quiet day in Fall City.)

Any other suggestions?

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Late November Garbage Day

Yet another of the seemingly, endless garbage days...Strong, relentless winds, occasional rain and chilly (low 40's) temperatures grip the Fall City area. There's nothing newsworthy here today so it's best to curl up by the fire and relax. eh?
I haven't been able to return to the Fall City Bistro for a while. Since losing my income (job), I just can't afford to spend anything at all. Possibly, someone may hire me soon and I can spend some of that cash. Until then, I'm forced to live in poverty. Mind you, my idea of poverty is incredible wealth to so many people in the world! It's all good.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Garbage Day, Thanksgiving

Alas! It's the garbage day before Thanksgiving. There's a cold rain with occasional brightening of skies. The flood warnings issued the last few days did not come to fruition. So...including a continual rainfall...things seem to be normal here in Fall City.

I realize there's nothing to major drug home anything at all. Life is good.

My recent house-guest managed to last nearly thirty hours before I had to request his  departure.

Indeed, I've proffered similar offers of to others in other countries but none have yet accepted. (Whew!) All that is required of such house-guests is to maintain a low profile and get along (respect) others.

In any case, garbage day this week seems to be coming and going with nothing but cold rain.

However, since it is Thanksgiving tomorrow, I give thanks to the Ether that the war-mongering, elitist, Republican thieves were not elected over Obama. (Praise the Lord and pass the beer!)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Garbage Day and Opera Night

Yet another garbage day has arrived! They come faster and faster all the time.

It's also my opera night...I think. The problem is...I can't find my tickets. I fear they may have fallen from the desk drawer into the garbage bag below so one of these many garbage days may have been the demise of my opera tickets. For me, that's a huge financial loss since the tickets are front row, two seats from center. (For several years, my seats were in the center but it's a bit distracting seeing the top of the conductor's head throughout the performance.)

I'll continue looking for my tickets but I don't have much hope...with anything anymore.

At least the recent election seems to have shown that most Americans don't want the religious, conservative zealots running the country...or their personal lives. When I read of those wonderful election results, it was last garbage day. Maybe losing my opera tickets on the following garbage day is just Karma. Indeed, I'd rather lose the tickets (and the money) than face life under Romney and the Wacko.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

First Snow (flurries) in Fall City

November tenth, the first snow flurries fell. Winter is coming and there's a continuation of the existing US government.

Obama has been re-elected! I have no idea how nearly half of the American voters could have voted for Romney and the "Wacko". There's something very wrong with the mass-intellect of Americans. Romney and "the wacko" took a stand against almost every individual voter. They lied. Romney wouldn't even "fess up" to what his real, first name is. He refused to allow us to see what he's been doing with his tax-evasive millions. They (the Republicans) seem to be racist, anti-women, gays, middle class and the real United States. He (Romney) is a freeking Deacon in a weird, religious sect. While the two guys seemed to be stunned they didn't win, they still seem to have no clue why! They are un-American elitists. They took stands in opposing directions. They kept hammering at Obama for all the wars we're involved in and the struggling economy.

Heck's Bells! Let's keep things in perspective! It's the Republicans who removed the controls on Wall Street. It's the Republicans who started the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan! It's the Republicans who initiated the corporate and Wall Street bailouts! How can people not remember all that? It was only a few years ago! It's the Republicans (still in control of the House...and the purse strings) who refused to compromise on a Federal budget, nearly throwing the country into insolvency. In spite of all could anyone not related to or specifically benefiting from conservative graft ever have voted for Romney!? Obama was handed a country in war and depression and the Republicans had only one goal in mind...get rid of Obama. All else suffered as a result. They are racists! They are out of touch with reality.

Let's see if there's change coming.

In the meantime, it snowed this morning in Fall City and it was good.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Bye Bye Mitt

Garbage day is tomorrow and I’d be pleased to include all memories of Romney and his sidekick, the nutcase, in the trash. Those people are so against everything American that I hope the garbage man takes them away tomorrow. What a bunch of thieving, lying, selfish scum!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Mormon Romey Loser

Hey Romney! You're a Deacon in the Mormon, wacko sect. Where's the aid to all those who suffered from Sandy, Irene and Katrina? Your weird "church" has billions of dollars but you only TAKE money?! Why not help real Americans in need, eh? I certainly hope you disappear and go live offshore with all your hidden, tax-free money, you thief. Go Away!

Time is running out. NO Romney!

Last day!
Are people going to vote against themselves due to ignorance or because they’re filthy rich or religious nut-cases…for Romney and the “wacko”. Or…maybe the majority of Americans will snap back to reality and vote for Obama who will work for REAL Americans? I couldn’t believe we elected George Bush (the second)... twice! What is wrong with you people? Romney stands against everything we, Americans, stand for! While he has a wacko VP candidate, he’s wacko, himself.
A vote for Romney is a vote against all that is American. Heaven help us if you idiots vote for Romney.
If you make less than 200K per year, if you're black, hispanic, FEMALE, any minority, if you're retired or close to retirement...SO MANY PEOPLE ( ! ) a vote for Romney is a vote against yourself.
Wake up America! The Republicans are total SLEEZE! They want your money and don't give a single, flying flip about us.
Do the right thing and go out to cast your votes for Obama!
He (Obama) didn't start the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. He (Obama) didn't destroy the economy. He (Obama) didn't start the government bailouts of Wall Street. Bush did all that! Wake up!

if this country is filled with so many imbeciles that romney is elected...i give up...i'm leaving

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Hey Pope!

Hey Pope!

We just experienced a monstrous disaster in the US!
The Catholic Church is probably the most wealthy organization in the world.
Where’s the help from the Vatican?
Where are you, Pope?
Where’s the help?
We’ve had offers of help from so many places…including our enemies.
Aside from taking in money from everyone around the world, sexually abusing children and treating women as slaves…what does the Catholic Church do with all those billions?
Step up, Pope! Do something right for the first time.
We could sure use some help.
Actually, the people suffering from Hurricane Katrina would have appreciated some help from Mr Pope.
There are nearly, countless disasters in the world occurring on a regular basis. Where is the Catholic Church and its billions!
By the same measure...where is the Mormon Church?
These are filthy rich organizations. They are always willing to accept money from the poor and indigent  members of their "flocks" but when it comes time to reciprocate and offer aid to the populace...those thieves are nowhere to be found!

Garbage day again

Garbage day again…

It looks like there are seven more garbage days til Christmas, eight more to New Years and thirty-two until my next birthday. If I count time by garbage days, there’s only one until the Presidential election.

If the American voters don’t wake up and go ahead and elect Romney and the Whack-job, that will be at least 208 garbage days of having government for the rich, big business and Wall Street. It would be 208 garbage days with decreased benefits for the poor and middle class…208 garbage days for the male-dominated, racist, Republican, religious right to force me (and many others) out of our houses while also losing our health care…208 garbage days for women to be treated as slaves.

That’s far too many garbage days of Hell. Wake up America! We don't need a Mittwit or Nitmitt for president. We need to help Obama help us!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Garbage Day, Wrong-Way-Romney

It seems I live week-to-week on the “garbage" schedule! It’s really pathetic, I think. Garbage pickup is on Wednesday at my little house and Wednesdays are the only days that I take note of. I don’t recognize any difference between weekdays and weekends. All there is…is Wednesday. Time to take out the garbage.

I live from “garbage day” to “garbage day” with no consideration of any other time of any week. That’s what happens when a person gets old!

My fleeting interest and horror concerning the Presidential election takes second to the real demand of Wednesday (garbage day). While I’m sick over the possibility that the Republican (Romney) and his whack-job sidekick could take office and undermine some of the extremely important gains made by Obama (health care, ending the mess in Iraq) and other Republicans across the country could retain their strangle-hold of Congress, thereby throwing all the average Americans under the bus to maintain their personal agendas of making the rich, richer…in the end for me…garbage day is what I focus on.

I sincerely hope that there aren't too many ignorant American voters so Deacon Willard Mitt Romney can be sent out to pasture. In fact, it would be nice if he can be held fiscally accountable for his tax-evasive maneuvers and the whack-job guy can be sent packing along with him. These people are in it for the power and the money. They seem to be racists, sexists and religious fanatics. How can that possibly be the right choice for this country?

Anyway, garbage day is looming!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Wrong-Way-Romney US politics in Fall City

I live in a little house near the end of a dead-end road in Fall City, WA. Very little ever happens here and the bigger news of the world has little effect in my home. However, there’s a presidential election coming up and I’m completely at a loss to understand it. President Obama managed to pass the opening volley in this country for a decent health care system. Granted, it was less than he originally intended but far more than we’ve ever had before. He (President Obama) inherited two wars (Iraq and Afghanistan) from hs predecessor, George Bush. He also inherited a collapsed economy brought on mostly  by the Republicans’ elimination of financial control of Big Business and Wall Street. The initial corporate bailouts were made before Obama took office and he continued with some of those efforts in order to get us all back on our foot. With the wars, he wound down the incredibly stupid war in Iraq and tried to step up the effort in Afghanistan with the idea we might actually win. (That was an ill-fated, foolish move but he had not started the war and it was not his war to begin with!)

Now we have this guy, Romney. He’s a deacon in the Mormon Church. This must be a joke! The Mormon Church seems to be based on such extreme folly that it’s amazing that any intelligent being could grow up, achieve some form of education and NOT realize what a farce Mormonism really is. He’s filthy rich and keeps his money hidden offshore to avoid taxes. He refuses to release his tax returns. He probably has never really WORKED a day in his life! He supports suppression of women’s rights, gay rights, increases in taxes for the poor and middle class, decreases in Social Security benefits, increases in Medicare premiums…etc. He is not American. I want him gone.

Back to me…I collect Social Security and my medical care is covered by Medicare. Romney’s platform would force me to sell my house. He is certainly NOT an American. I want him gone.
Suddenly, politics have reached out to me, personally.

Aside from the political allies, relatives, corporate cronies and all those elites who would gain additional fortunes with a Romney presidency…no one in their right mind should ever cast a ballot for this slime!
What is wrong with Americans?  Are they really that stupid! For the typical voter, a vote for Romney is A VOTE AGAINST YOURSELF1

I do understand that many people are against abortion and gay rights but all those people have to do is take care of their own business. They don’t have to impose their will on the rest of us. Romney pushes for “smaller government”. Is it a smaller government that inserts itself in every household? No.
Having this racist guy, Romney, as President…is un-American….and I just don’t understand how anyone would ever even give the slightest consideration to such a scum-bag for President.

Being old, I’ve lived through many Presidential elections. I confess…I even voted for Nixon once! However, I’ve never been so directly involved! Get the corporate, war-mongering, tax-evading elitists out of there!

That’s how it looks from where I sit here in Fall City. 

Friday, August 10, 2012

Fall City Bistro!!

My second dinner at the Fall City Bistro was every bit as good as the first. It was crowded on a Thursday night. I hope people keep showing up after the novelty wears off.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Seattle Opera's Turandot

My seats are just off-center from front row, center, at the Seattle Opera and sometimes I air my personal critical comments about performances. A quick look at some of my previoue opera posts might shed some light on this. (Many years ago, for example, I was SO disappointed to see sopranos the size of barges portrayed as fifteen-year-old maidens. It was just too much to accept!) However, I went to Seattle Opera's Turandot last night (Wednesday, 8/ birthday) and was astounded!

This was the most wonderful performance I have ever seen at Seattle Opera. 
Palombi was just short of Pavarotti as Calaf. To me, the entire experience rests on one aria...Nessun Dorma. It was spectacular.

Liu (Grazia Doronzio) good as it gets.

Lori Phillips as Turandot was wonderful.

The staging was magnificent.

The dancing was wonderful.

Asher Fisch is a wizard.

Every part played by every other performer was strong!

The chorus and all the extras would have been sufficient with no leading performers. (I just took my hat off to Beth Kirchoff.) Briefly, I was in the Seattle Opera chorus and I have seen the efforts required from her. It was truly...artistic perfection!

Okay...nothing is perfect. I have to dig REALLY deep though. Sometimes it seemed there were just too many people on stage (no big deal, really). Now...something completely takes a while to adjust to watching Antonello Polombi singing from the side of his mouth. 

Many years ago (in the eighties, I think), Seattle Opera performed the same opera. This was long before I finally landed my front row seats. At that time, I was anxious to hear the tenor's Nessun Dorma and was completely let down. I could barely hear the guy. It was awful! 

Seattle Opera's Turandot was...was...perfect and I was blessed to have the opportunity to experience it.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Olympics basketball

What in the world ever happened to amateur athletes in the Olympics? It just turns my stomach to hear about the US Olympic basketball team. Either pros should be banned from some Olympic sports or basketball ( and a few others) should be eliminated. It's a freaking joke the way it is now! I don't watch these millionaire thugs play in the US league and I'll surely never watch them play in the Olympics! I will never buy any products they endorse and will never give them a penny of my own (hard-earned) money. I just want them to all...go away!

Fall City Bistro!

Okay...I had dinner at the new "Fall City Bistro". As I recall, the restaurant was "The Other Place", "The Fall City Grill" and "The Fall City Diner".
It was great! Go there! The food was wonderful and presented well. The employees were friendly and polite. The chefs (Sean and Jason) are outgoing, available for conversation and rightfully proud of this new establishment.

...Where was I?...Oh!...Pricing at the Fall City Bistro is reasonable and the menu selection is varied and should satisfy everyone's palate. It's my hope that all the old regulars (like Scotty) will return, along with an entirely new clientele.

For anyone looking for a positive change from the other dining choices in Fall City (or the entire Eastside), the "Fall City Bistro" is the place to settle in and savor from now on.

...There were a couple of minor glitches: The waitress forgot to bring the additional bread I requested and my friend's ribs came without (ever) the expected "Asian Slaw" which the menu listed. Of course, it's a learning experience for all and it's nice to see there are numerous locals included on the staff. I've enjoyed having Arturo as my waiter for several years and the waitress we had at the "Fall City Bistro" last night was just as pleasant! I think these people (Sean, Jason etc.) know what they're doing. It's REALLY refreshing!

Please note: The three pictures included were taken at our table with a phone-cam. Even though they may look wonderful...the most wondrous part was in the eating!

...Somehow, I'm not able to directly repy to for the comment, Gene. Everyone I've spoken to about the new Fall City Bistro is enthused! We're happy to have them here and maybe all you "city folk" might make the trip all the way out here now that we have a wonderful place to dine. Maybe...float the river or view the falls...then go to see Sean, eh?

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Fall City Bistro

Okay. The Other Place is long gone. The Fall City Diner is dead. The Fall City Grill has faded away. In comes the Fall City Bistro! I have such great hopes for this place! They say they'll be baking their own bread and using locally grown food. I just hope they don't price themselves out of this market!

I did have a look at their menu online and now I'm a little concerned about the viability of the Fall City Bistro. Indeed, the menu is great and the pricing is good. I hope I'm wrong about this but it just seems too upscale...for Fall City. We'll see. Oh...aside from a few spelling errors in the menu...I do recall that they intend to serve locally grown food. It seems that genuine Kobe beef is not available in this country, although there are suppliers who do market their product as Kobe beef.

Friday, July 6, 2012

The Pressing Force of Gravity


While I hold to my theory of the "pressing force of gravity", I should add a bit of slightly unrelated observances:

If one could have an outsider's view of our universe...step back and see...nearly countless galaxies of stars with planets, black holes and all sorts of other bursts of energy, space-borne comets and meteors, etc., etc...

Step back. from our universe of "all that stuff". Step WAY back. Step back about 50 billion light years away (I suppose our universe is about 50 billion years old). Light and all other energy, traveling at its normal, maximum speed...when one reaches 50 billion light years away from our universe...and then, takes another step away...what then? There is nothing to be seen and our universe disappears. It is completely invisible because the light generated from the "big bang" has not traveled that far. Turn around and face away. Keep traveling many more light years...isn't there a glimmer  of light so far away? Aren't there thousands (billion) of glimmers of light so far away? I'm supposing there are uncountable other universes, never to be seen by humans. Of course, I offer no ultimate solution. I only say what we think of as "the universe" is narrow-minded. There may well be bazillions of other universes.

Perhaps the "dark matter" in our universe doesn't intermingle with the dark matter in other universes. Perhaps the universes will never intermingle. Perhaps they will. "Forever" is a big place!

I've posted numerous comments about this...(The pressing force of gravity). However, recently I learned that Cern had probably confirmed the existence of Bosons. In no way does this repudiate my own theory. In fact, it lends some support. If (according to Quantum theory) Fermions are the elementary forms of matter and Bosons make up the background of the universe and simply transmit forces, I'm satisfied to call the Dark Matter, the Ether, the Dark Energy (whatever) the Higgs Field. The basic idea remains the is the stuff of the universe that holds things together, both on the sub-atomic level and at the grander, inter-stellar scale. It is the stuff of the universe that creates gravity. In previous posts, I elaborated on this simplistic view of things and explained how I came about this theory. Look it up, eh? Prove me wrong, eh? Just don't give me the bull about gravitons traveling from a star to a planet and coercing the smaller object (with fewer gravitons) to "come this way". Don't say the sun rests on the fabric of space and things just roll downhill unless they have sufficient speed to continue in orbit. I can offer some evidence to support my theory of gravity as a pressing force but have yet to see anything to indicate otherwise. Also, I find it a bit interesting that in 1964, two groups of theorists proposed that the universe is pervaded by a molasses-like field which they called the Higgs Field. I've used the analogy of a sealed jar of honey that has been entered (somehow...perhaps from another universe). The honey is sealed (as is our universe) and has nowhere to go. Hence, there is perpetual pressure applied to the invasive matter (in this case, Fermions). Just read some of my previous posts, eh?

Monday, June 18, 2012

I can't stand Ron Fairly...and Dave Sims

I can't stand it! Ron Fairly is just too boring and I'd appreciate it if the Mariners kept him off the air.
Uh...I apologize for the headline...I have nothing against Ron Fairly, personally. In fact, he's probably a wonderful man. It's just that his radio broadcasts are far below par...even for the Seattle area! (I also have to add that I do appreciate hearing many of his stories of long as he has nothing to say about any game in progress.)

Oh! Did I mention that I think Mike Blowers has an excessively nasally voice? It's not pleasant listening to him.

I might as well add Dave Sims to the list of sports announcers I'd rather never hear again. His choppy, incomplete sentences are often difficult to understand.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Fall City Diner

Okay...the first name I knew this place as was The Other Place. Then, it became the Fall City Grill. Then, it became the Fall City Diner.'s being set up again with new decor and will be called the Fall City Bistro. They're trying to open in the beginning of July and we'll just have to wait and see if it's worth trying more than once. Oh! I just remembered...when I stopped in the parking lot to see what sign they were putting up so I could find out what the new name would be...they told me they would be serving a Farm-to Table menu and they would be using local suppliers for the food! Now, that's a definite plus!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Tosca, Mariners, Fall City Diner, gravity

I have a great curiosity about something...
Why are there so many hits on this blog from Russia, Germany and France? Whether I comment on a local performance of Tosca, the Fall City Diner or the Seattle Mariners, there is always more interest out of the US than in. I find it odd. Also, why has there been so little interest in my other posts, such as those about gravity or thieving politicians, etc.?

Monday, May 21, 2012


I did not attend the Moore Theater production. However, the Auburn production was spectacular. I spoke with Cecilia Angell and she seemed pleased to have received a "standing O" at the Moore. Gino Lucchetti is supremely gifted and Grace Eun is a gift to us all. Lyric Opera Northwest has consistently exceeded all expectations in staging, preparation, execution and shear musical beauty! It's a shame they haven't been producing an opera-a-month!

Oh...the orchestra was superb!

The reason I did not attend the Moore event was because I did not receive my ticket as indicated (I think) on the web-site. In response to the comment that on-line ticket purchases are available at "will-call"...I know better. I was not included at "will-call" in Auburn and probably was not at the Moore either even though my debit card had been charged almost two weeks prior. This is a small, management glitch that can easily be remedied in the future.

All that aside, two things...

In the Northwest, one can expect Lyric Opera Northwest performances to be just this side of Seattle Opera and...

I have no clue how this "meet-up" thing is supposed to work. I was tempted to tap everyone on the shoulder and ask, "Are you with the 'meet-up'? Are you one of 'us' ? Instead, I sat next to the photographer and savored the entire performance with no idea who else may be wandering and wondering how this 'meet-up' functions. Indeed! I know some performers...and performances...but I brought my appreciation, my experiences and my opinions home, unexpressed.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Mariners (Mets)

Listening to the Mariners game on the radio yesterday…two throwing errors on the same play…and having a look at the horrendous batting averages of these Seattle goofballs, I can’t help but compare them to the early New York Mets. I remember the “Amazins” with Marvelous Marv Throneberry, Ed Cranepool and the rest of that hapless team. It was a total joke. The 2012 Mariners are nearly clones of those Mets! And! They actually pay them for this crap! Millions! At this very minute, they're playing a game against Cleveland and the Mariners have two (!!!) professional (???) athletes hitting under 140 in the starting lineup! This is disgraceful! 

(By the way, Ken Levine is a great radio announcer and I've finally learned to appreciate Rick RZZs. Together, they're really great! ...just PLEASE keep Ron Fairly off the air...PLEASE!) a follow-up, the batless Mariners (Batless in Seattle) managed to find a way to blow away a 4-run lead and take it up the butt from Cleveland...again. The Mariners really do suck!

Also, I've had it up to here (!) with the local sports media buffoons being so critical of Ichiro. Aside from (maybe) that Mariner pitcher (what's-his-name), Ichiro is the only real professional athlete on the team.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Mariners baseball

So...I admit I haven't played baseball since long before most of my millions of readers were born. However, I was listening to the Mariners game on the radio...Dave Valley was talking about the previous game against the Tampa Bay seems both teams had their best pitchers in that game and Dave Valley was explaining why there had been so many bunt attempts by both teams. "In a game like that, runs are at a premium", he said. question is...if bunting provides an improved chance to score runs, why only increase bunt attempts when the teams aces are on the mound? Runs are always at a premium...not just in tight games. It's downright silly to have all these overpaid guys go up to the plate and swing madly. Let's all bunt! As a minor aside (concerning Dave Valley)...I have a distinct recollection, seeing him up to bat (on TV) against the Red Sox...2 outs, 9th inning, runner at third, down a run, 2 strikes...Dave Valley looked like he swung the bat with all the force within his entire being...he was trying to blast the ball into oblivion, spun himself all the way around...strike 3! Mariners lose! Where was the bunt then, Dave? Where was the contact hitting? That last run was at a premium too but Mr Valley seemed to think he was Mr October that day. That was the day I gave up hope for Dave Valley.
Next thing...why in the world is Figgins still in the lineup for the Mariners? Why? On the radio, also, there seems to be some hope that Carp's return will help the can that be? He couldn't even hit in Tacoma!
As a follow-up...Carp and Figgins just made the last 2 outs against Tampa Bay. Carp is hitting zero and Figgins went 0 for 5 with 3 strike-outs and is under 200 now.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Seattle Mariners

My, oh my! The Mariners ended up on the imperfect side of a perfect game. There's something ominous about the Mariners, year in and year out. There's always the hype and hope of things to come...but it's always the same. This year, the dawg days of August arrived early. They're already in a tailspin and it's not even May yet!

That hope and's the same every year. It's like Lucy snatching the ball away every time from poor, hapless Charlie Brown. Seattle Mariner fans fall into the Charlie Brown category every year...Oh! There's a new prospect who can throw 110 MPH! There's a guy who can hit the ball out of Safeco with all of his eyes closed! Another has the speed of Superman! We're, "THIS CLOSE!"

The Mariners are not "this close". 

Olivo seems to be a journeyman minor-leaguer and should be sent down.

What say we send Figgins anywhere but here, eh?

What say we get some REAL major league players, eh?

Or...what say we just sell off the whole franchise and give up, eh? This is NOT New York or Boston. We don't have the money or baseball business sense to field a competitive team in Seattle. This is just one more year when Charlie Brown is running full speed ahead, trusting Lucy (is that who it was?) to hold the ball. We all lose again...flat on our collective backs.

Fall City Diner

Alas! The Fall City Diner seems to be no more. There is a cryptic message with backwards text on the reader-board outside, offering the place for lease. In fact, before it even became the Fall City Diner, I was attempting to contact the building owner to purchase it but no one ever responded to my calls. Now it just sits, vacant. I wanted to use the site as a destination place for out-of-towners...all organic foods...good, healthy stuff, as opposed to the usual "Costco-style" crud.

I find it incredibly odd that, while there are few viewers of my posts, the vast majority of "hits" have been made on this topic. How utterly strange! I expected people to be more interested in my thoughts about gravity...which are truly unique. No...people seem to be more interested in the Fall City Diner than anything else I may consider.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Spring will not be denied!

Oh my! Winter didn't arrive with fury. Instead, it crept in and hunkered down for a prolonged stay. As such, Spring has been reluctantly waiting just beyond reach. However, yesterday...March 25th, the swallows returned! Spring will not be denied! Spring has finally imposed itself in the guise of fifty swallows, just a few days after a snowfall and on the same day as a 30 degree morning. Swallows! Spring! What shear pleasure! Life is okay.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


I just thought I should mention...again...I can't stand the "Westwood One" voice. This guy sounds so phony and unnatural that I switch stations every time I hear his voice. 

Friday, March 16, 2012

Duke Loses!

I must say I'm just an occasional college basketball fan. My local teams ( the Washington Huskies), the Washington State Cougars and Gonzaga...they're not up there with the elite teams. However, the most important thing to me and probably MILLIONS of others is...Duke lost (!) in the first round of the Lehigh ???...Lehigh????? I just can't stand how wonderful it is to get Duke out of there. I'm sick to death of seeing the same people (mainly the coaches) year in and year out. Personally, I can't stand seeing or hearing Duke's coach (who reminds me of an aardvark's butt). I don't like looking at him. I'm so pleased to see them lose! (Mind you, I do feel for the individual players who've just had their season end. These guys give everything they have...but someone has to win...and someone has to lose each game.) 
This is a wonderful thing...Duke losing. With Duke losing, everyone else wins! 
I don't care what else happens. With Duke losing, I'm satisfied.

Sunday, March 11, 2012


I realize this may seem to be an utterly foolish and simplistic idea...but I've been proposing this concept for more than twelve years now and have not heard a single, more sensible explanation to the nature of gravity. Specifically, gravity is a pressing force rather than a pulling force. It is likely  the omnipresent dark matter of the universe creating what we call gravity. The same force binding sub-atomic particles together also acts upon larger, more permeable, celestial bodies, holding them together.

Yes, it's simple and by no means, am I capable of explaining, mathematically, how this works but there really is no other viable explanation.

The dark matter permeates everything except the most dense, sub-atomic particles which, apparently, are the only true bits of actual matter, as we know it. Celestial bodies are considerably less dense (of course) than, say, protons and, as such are comprised of more dark matter than actual matter. The force that holds our solar system together is the same force that binds each, individual atom. It is, indeed simple. 

I would like the physics department of ANY university to take up the challenge to prove my theory. To begin, study the gravitational force at the leading verses the trailing edge of the earth. My own experiments indicate there is greater force at the leading edge, implying the earth is moving through "something". Initially, I only guessed that it may be the dark matter of the universe and left open the possibility that there might be something else out there. I'm willing to accept that it's dark matter but precious little is known about that, anyway.

In any case, back to the physics department...accurately measure weight throughout each day and provide concrete evidence that there is greater weight at the leading edge than the trailing edge of the earth. I did this in my kitchen and determined there is a .6% to 1.1% increase in weight at the leading edge...meaning we're plowing ahead through something. This "something" is that darn dark matter!

Okay, even if no university is willing to think outside the box...perhaps there's a rogue scientist or physicist out there with an open mind. Perhaps a PHD candidate might choose this for a final dissertation. Think of the possibilities! Someone! (I just want validation before I slip into the next world.)

A brief scan through this blog should lead one to my earlier, more rambling post about this subject.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Fall City Diner

It appears the Fall City Diner has given up the ghost and has shut down mere months after opening. Rumor has it that hey plan to turn the place into a barbecue joint. I think the best thing they can do is eschew using dirt cheap Costco products, concentrate on healthy, organically-raised meats and present the East-side public with something worth driving for. Of course, that's just my opinion...but apparently, I was not the only one who chose not to leave my money on their doorstep.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

My dryer for sale

So I have this dryer for sale on Craigslist. I paid about $650 for it a little over a year ago and am asking $275. This morning, a guy calls and asks if I'll take $100 for the machine. I say, "No, but if you can get another $50 to $00, that would be okay, I guess." He and his wife come to the house, look at the machine and offer me $70. I say, "Bye". He thinks I mean..."buy" and starts to smile...I say,  "No, I mean goodbye. I won't take $70 for the dryer." He asks if I would take his original offer of $100 and I tell him I already told him, "No".
I just don't understand. Why would they drive all the way to my house, pulling a trailer, knowing I've already rejected the low offer and...offer even lower? 
I'd rather throw the dryer in the dump or give it away before selling it at that price. Are there scavengers (bottom feeders) out there trying to rip everyone off for a few dollars? I just don't get it.